Thursday, April 12, 2012


Addie-babe is a whoppin' 9 months old. That is only 3 months away from a year. She is definitely growing up way too fast!

But I am loving all the hilarious new things that she can do. Her personality keeps growing every day and she has become such an independent, stubborn, loving, curious little girl.

At nine months (technically 9 1/2 months), her stats are:
Height: 27 3/4 in (50%)
Weight: 16 lbs 1 oz (5%)
Head Circ: 16 3/4 in (10 %)

Still just as tall and skinny as ever. 

She has three teeth (all on the bottom), and a couple more that will be coming in soon.

Among many things, at nine months she can:
Wave "hello" and "bye-bye"
Stand by herself for a second or two
Drain her sippy cup of juice
Pop the lid off of her "puffs" container with her teeth (i feel like this is so genius, haha)
Turn book pages one by one by putting her pointer finger between the pages (too cute)
Suck through a straw
Open and close doors
Whine in a certain way to let me know when she wants something
Walk along anything, including walls
Eat big people food like sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, green beans, watermelon, eggs, etc. and LOVES it

Has discovered how to unroll toilet paper
Has learned that there is a mini-pool inside the toilet that is just for her fun
Has learned that there are certain cupboards I'd rather she not get into, and she heads straight for them

Likes to eat the fireplace soot

Loves bathtime more than fact, she just LOVES water
Is attached to her mama, especially since our Utah trip
Plays hide-and-seek in her crib. When we first come in to get her from a nap, she gives a huge grin, then drops and crawls away from us into the nearest corner to "hide" from us and happily pumps her legs until we finally pick her up.

Shares, but only when she is feeling ultra generous. She will take Jon's glasses, give 'em a little suck, then hand them back to him (never releasing them from her grip) so he can slobber a little, and then she takes them back for her own suck.
Loves to be chased, whether by Jon or I or by a stuffed animal, it makes her squeal and giggle more than anything else.

Our most favorite characteristic of Addie's (or the one that makes us laugh the hardest) is that she is totally

If you put her blocks back in her bucket, no matter where she is, she will stop what she is doing to completely empty the bucket. Usually she accomplishes this by dumping it over her face.

If you build a tower, she will do whatever it takes to get to it, and level it until not a single block is on top of another.

If you pop up the animals on one of her toys, she will stay there until she has successfully put them all back down into their places. Usually she accomplishes this by slamming the toy upside down, effectively shutting each animal back in its place with minimal exertion. How smart is she?

If there is a container of anything or a stack of anything, it can no longer exist. This includes: Easter baskets filled with eggs, folded laundry stacked higher than two items, DVDs on a shelf, tupperware in a larger container, clothes in a drawer, clothes in a suitcase, items in a decor basket, cords in a drawer, food on a shelf, etc. You get the idea.

I sometimes feel that my baby is allergic to order. She is not content unless ordered things are put out of place. 

While it can be frustrating at times, it makes me laugh more often than not.

This girl is the joy of our lives. We love being her parents. We love how special and unique she is.

 Love you, big girl. 


Tan + Es said...

I had to laugh because I just blogged yesterday about Benson being able to open his Puffs container with his little bottom teeth!
In fact, I laughed through your whole post because I felt like I was reading about my baby! Oh, the damage those two little maniacs could do if they got together!
Addie is DARLING! Wish we lived closer!

Tan + Es said...

Haha, one more thing. Tan and I went to Cheesecake Factory for our anniversary - first time since we went with you and Jon. We laughed thinking about the two of us gagging all night and going to bed earlier. Aren't these babies so much more fun out than in?