Monday, March 12, 2012

Mix By Hand

Dear Duncan Hines Cake Mixes:

I have found that some of the directions on your cake boxes are somewhat ambiguous. When you mean "mix by hand", does it involve directly placing your hands into the cake mix, or does it refer to using a stirring utensil in your hand to mix the ingredients?

I initially thought the former. I feel I was wrong. 

The mistake caused a lack of bladder control. 

And dyed my hands and fingernails a bright red. And provided fodder for hours upon hours of mockery.

Perhaps you could clarify for those who, like me, take things all too literally.

Alyssa Randall


Blair said...

This made me laugh. Sounds like something I would do. The best part is that it stained your hands. haha

Morgan said...

Hillarious! Though in your defense- you were just following instructions. :D

Tan + Es said...

A couple of things:

I almost peed my pants reading this.

Your hair looks fantastic! Mine all fell out around my hairline, so now that it's growing back in I have this weird ring off fuzz that sticks straight up. And yeah, it looks as weird as you're pictuing.

Still miss you. And wouldn't mind some of that beautiful, warm weather I see in all of your pictures!